Before the Revolution
Cows would keep the
grass nice
Such nice grass
I would romanticize it
Jump fences
Tenderly place my cheek
up against it
Feel like a noble
A teenage fiend
My scraggly beard with
the earth’s
As though roaming the
Searching for the quiet
Calling out
Befriending the free
filth and vitality
A funny contrast for
the mind
Amongst the blended
crashed bankrupt Technicolor
Yet the sun shines
pretty well
When you don’t worry
about disease
This springy absurd
That smell of burnt plastic replica hurt
The sneezing rumble in
my nose
And sometimes
When I'm off by myself
Along to fill my canteen, stomach
Along to kill some pang
(I forget how hard those pangs pang!)
Along to kill some pang
(I forget how hard those pangs pang!)
I pretend my life's a film
I think of that last shot before the dark
Before the credits dissolve the threads
In that tumbling tense frightened resolve
When the hero is vulnerable
Lies bare their neck
Discloses their gentle hopeful forgiving path
Everything they've got to the World
It's shaky and mumbled
Yet warm and vital
For we live to say just a few things
Tailored, slowly orchestrated
From the weight of the world
To pefect their delivery
Getting nearer and near to their source
Just as cows used to keep the grass nice
In that world market of nostalgia
In that world market of nostalgia
So too we'll keep our words warm
At least this is my thought
Off in the collapsed acidic slimy erased
And I think this, too:
I’m an old
And some
shinny things
A bit ill nourished
A bit cold
Tight and bruised
Some more sleep would suit me
And the
course of events
Warms my speech
Despite the fall
That burning of magnificent fields
Where cows would practice their art
That burning of magnificent fields
Where cows would practice their art
Indeed, revolutions gotta fly
Revolutions gotta come
In this world that needs gentle hands
And gentle words
And gentle words
Tell me, are you the main character in all of your poems? And what kind of "revolution" are you talking about? And when you talk about "cows", I take it you are not actually referring to actual cows. Are you referring to ignorant people? I think your poems are meant to have a lot of depth, but they can be difficult to understand. That's why I like them.