Saturday, March 30, 2013

Black Green Fever

Out on this scorched prairie
Where I haven’t seen another in months
Where I panic every night
Ungovernably scared that it’s all gone
A dried up dead-end
Where I don’t have enemies to blame
Where I’m the last word on all things

And since I’m the last word
As far as I can tell
It is my word that counts

An argument that stands
Only because I make it stand
And only because I am the last to speak

Friday, March 29, 2013


Warm my speech
Brighten that secret resolve
Clean away the distraction of youth
With you
Not trapped up
Not the gloss of new clothes
Or the stalemate of compromise

I’ll make us food
Cut out the light
Turn high the wall heater
Stare into your eyes
Kiss your scars