Sunday, November 30, 2014

There Are No Angels (Dance In The Cracks - Part 2 of 3)

There's been this thought
tumbling around my head for a while
Perhaps a truism
It's that all good things
are the result of patience and care
That relationships
if they're to be worth a damn
ought to be no different

With this in mind
A worry entered
months ago
as I drove home
for the first time
from Cotati

I worried that the stages of infatuation
of surface
had not run their cycle
that patience and care
the bloom of sharing
and nearness
would not take
in this sand of long distance
so soon
this thing
so young

It was a worry tied to others
perhaps inevitable
perhaps circumstantial

The fact is that each of us hid ourselves
our motives
our hurts
I fragmented my anxieties
and loneliness
made them look mature
more then they really are
You suspended the rawness
of your past
and both of us
felt for the other
for warmth
for release

It happens that
We get what we sow

Yet even though I've never known
the raw de-centering
of heartache
until now
I'm still glad that things were put on pause
that it was felt necessary
to step back
halt the momentum

I'm glad because I was thinking similarly:
a step back was necessary
if our gentle thing
was to be worth a damn
if it was to get past the stages of infatuation
and enter into the depths of patience and care
if we were to even seriously talk
about what we wanted
if we were to look each other in the eye

To do this requires that we reveal those cracks
in the street
which we have fallen
to see the deep darks
It requires that we see one another
and ourselves
no longer as drugs
taken to forget our bodies
but as dying pining creatures
trying to create and maneuver
trying to face up
and sometimes flee
those hurts
that have crystallized into scar
that back us into corners
cut off the oxygen
prevent deep breaths
deep movement
that strand us in space

When we paused
and then when you stepped back
in your small orange notebook
allowing me to see you
from where you came
to what path you now peruse -
and how far I had gotten attached -
I was forced to sit with both revelations
and suspicions
things I saw off in the periphery

One suspicion:
I tended to use you
in a hazy way
as a distraction
yet deny
was a distraction

Often I saw you as sexual attraction
as playful spontaneity
I saw you as a respite for loneliness
a loneliness I've carried around
for years
I saw you as easing my anxiety
lack of confidence
philosophic crisis
post-college malaise
I saw you through the longing and hope for communion

Yet here you were
standing in front of me
cold to numb
using me
for warmth
like I was using you

Oh, the distractions we'll sow

I know you are not without blind spots
and hang-ups and faults

There are no angels
in this world
Only longing
and trial and error

But I want you
I want you even though
the will to love
precedes the appearance
on the scene
of the beloved
I want you even though
the world gives no clues
as to what we should be up to
and we stand alone with what we take seriously

I want patience and care
to enter this picture
this story

I want to look directly into your eyes
for a couple sacred minutes
and longer
to not have you turn away
I want to be sacred with you

Did you know that? 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

"While reading books I write notes in the page margins and I circle and memorize certain lines and passages. The people in each book might be different, but the plotline is basically the same: Somebody is unhappy and they do dangerous and foolish things trying to become happy."

Sherman Alexie, "Scenes From A Life". Blasphemy (Grove Press, 2012), pp. 233.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Letting In (Dance In The Cracks - Part 1 of 3)

Yesterday after work
I found a small orange notebook in the mail
Feel shaky as I read
and after
as the sun's setting
I take a walk
to feel my way
to think about you

It happens to be Halloween
and the sky is getting darker
more meaningful
and the kids in costume
fashioned or bought
are all about

Have you ever noticed
how our culture never seems so healthy
red cheeked
life affirming
as on Halloween?
With everyone in on the exciting ritual
with the homes of the streets open

When I long for a utopia
or some ideal at least
perhaps I ought to console myself
with the fact of suburban Halloween
Is this not a good sign?
A fine ideal?

My thoughts and feels as I walk
are much the same as they have been
a month
two months
But they're taut
And so I attend to them
over and over
as they come upon me

It's like this:
I feel so much tenderness for you
don't want to see you go
Parts of me pitch fits
clench up
with all their force
turn into desperate White Dwarves

But I still have some energy
some light
And I want to make a play
to pursue you
Exhaust it, as a possibility
because I will always wonder
because I never fully have

Like a psychology student
or a mountain top fire spotter
I wish to sell myself some silence
Sell some to you too
If I can manage

I've said that I didn't have any regrets
out on the beach
some warm bellied resilience
but I'm thinking now that that conclusion was premature
Truth be told I wish I would have born my neck to you
more than I did at least
Let you in
Stopped showing off
And above all
Indicated where the gravity pulled
Pointed out where the cracks lay

In your small orange notebook
you showed the gravity
spoke in your own voice
through the cracks
and I hear it
And even though
it was likely not intended
I listen like I'm sitting beside you
like you're Wittgenstein
holding my hand
letting me in
to your newest, vital meditations
to the R behind playful coolness
cultivating freedom
searching for a way out

And I want to speak too
More in my own voice
the warmth rushing out
something I rarely did
wished I did more of
and I want to say why
why I rarely did
wish I did more of

Maybe this takes time, care
Will you follow me
follow me just a bit?
Will you sit beside me here

take my hand?